I'd very much like to greet everyone with a very Happy Easter! Christ has risen, now let's all have a party, since he has saved us from evil. Have you gone to church yet and have a high five with our great saviour?
'kay, so, this long weekend I accompanied my sister to some parks at Jakarta. She wants to join a photography competition, and the theme is Jakarta town parks. So, last Saturday we went to two parks at Central Jakarta, Taman Menteng and Taman Suropati.
I've been to Suropati once, with my friends. I loved that park, many trees, pigeons, kids, I love it. That time, the park was full with couples. Freakin' couples (yes, I hate couples alot, especially local couples which is just fckin ridiculous for me). I didn't take lot of photos, my sister did. Since it was full of couples, my sister got so grumpy, and asked my father to bring us to somewhere else which has lot of good photo view, not only the fckin freakin couples.
So we went to Taman Menteng. I never been there before, but... it wasn't that bad. Well, that day, seems like lots of people came to the park with the same reason as my sister. Photography. But these guys were funny, the brought some girls as models, and a Ducati. Red Ducati. I was lucky, to spot one freakin' cool Ducati at a park. I wasted my time watching the Ducati girls photography session, while my sister wandered around the park, looking for nice shots. I was enjoying my time, when my youngest brother (5 y.o) came to me and asked me to accompany him to have some shoot for himself. I thought he was just like my sister, he loves to shoot everything with camera. So I left the Ducati, and wandered around the park with him and took some shoots. Here's some by him.
'kay, so, this long weekend I accompanied my sister to some parks at Jakarta. She wants to join a photography competition, and the theme is Jakarta town parks. So, last Saturday we went to two parks at Central Jakarta, Taman Menteng and Taman Suropati.
I've been to Suropati once, with my friends. I loved that park, many trees, pigeons, kids, I love it. That time, the park was full with couples. Freakin' couples (yes, I hate couples alot, especially local couples which is just fckin ridiculous for me). I didn't take lot of photos, my sister did. Since it was full of couples, my sister got so grumpy, and asked my father to bring us to somewhere else which has lot of good photo view, not only the fckin freakin couples.
So we went to Taman Menteng. I never been there before, but... it wasn't that bad. Well, that day, seems like lots of people came to the park with the same reason as my sister. Photography. But these guys were funny, the brought some girls as models, and a Ducati. Red Ducati. I was lucky, to spot one freakin' cool Ducati at a park. I wasted my time watching the Ducati girls photography session, while my sister wandered around the park, looking for nice shots. I was enjoying my time, when my youngest brother (5 y.o) came to me and asked me to accompany him to have some shoot for himself. I thought he was just like my sister, he loves to shoot everything with camera. So I left the Ducati, and wandered around the park with him and took some shoots. Here's some by him.
pretty little flower
flower family
gorgeous red
Those are the pictures that my brother took. Pretty good, eh? He used my camera, a Sony pocket cam. Well, in the next post I will upload some pics taken by me, and maybe some of my sister's.
If you have pictures of your parks, you may upload them too! I'd very much like to take a look at 'em! Ciao!
Yang Terkikis
Saya masih ingat sedari kecil saya selalu disuruh untuk menggantungkan harapan setinggi-tingginya. Katanya semakin tinggi harapan semakin baik.
Itu bohong, bohong besar.
Panggil saya pesimis atau apapun, tapi saya bilang menggantungkan harapan setingginya itu ukan suatu yang baik. Baik itu tidak membuat sakit, kan?
Karena saya menggantung harapan, maka saya sakit.
Saya tidak mau berharap lagi.
Itu bohong, bohong besar.
Panggil saya pesimis atau apapun, tapi saya bilang menggantungkan harapan setingginya itu ukan suatu yang baik. Baik itu tidak membuat sakit, kan?
Karena saya menggantung harapan, maka saya sakit.
Saya tidak mau berharap lagi.
Belajar Bicara
Hai kamu, yang selama ini bercakap dengan saya tapi tidak dengan mulut.
Kalau kita benar manusia, maka kita akan bercakap dengan mulut. Saya bisa bercakap menggunakan organ bicara saya itu, dan saya tahu kamu juga bisa. Kita sama bicara dengan bahasa yang sama, tahu kosakata yang sama, dan sama bisa mendengar apa yang diucapkan satu sama lain.
Tapi kita tak pernah bercakap dengan mulut.
Karena mulut itu selalu mati. Rasanya kelu, kaku, sukar dibuka. Kamu selalu membuat mekanisme pergerakan organ itu jadi kacau, rusak. Kalau saya ibaratkan, kamu itu arus misterius yang mengacau kinerja sistem berbicara saya. Kamu mengacau, menyumbat, mematikan semua yang seharusnya berjalan normal. Saya kehilangan kata, menjadi bisu. Kebisuan sesaat yang muncul karena keberadaanmu.
Saya ingin bercakap dengan mulut.
Kata orang, lucu. Mereka bilang, tanpa mulut, namanya bukan bercakap. Mereka bilang soal telepati, kontak batin, dan apapun lainnya, tapi yang jelas bukan bercakap. Menurut saya, ini sebenarnya menunjukkan hubungan spesial kita, suatu dunia tersendiri antara dua orang yang tak bisa dimasuki orang lain. Kita punya pemahaman tersendiri, suatu hal khusus yang tak bisa orang lain mengerti. Saya merasa demikian, tapi orang lain tidak. Mereka bilang, ini terlalu aneh, tidak wajar. Saya harus belajar bicara dengan mulut kepadamu. Karena itulah hal yang sewajarnya terjadi. Hubungan bertukar kata yang terucap dari organ bicara.
Belajar dengan mulut.
Hai. Apa kabarmu? Senang bertemu lagi denganmu. Semoga harimu baik-baik saja. Selamat tinggal. Sampai berjumpa lagi.
untuk yang mengacaukan sistem bicara saya
Jakarta, 2 April 2012