
I really love bags, especially eye-catching bags.

Maka ketika menemukan brand ini dari majalah NYLON edisi Juli 2013, tidak ada hal lain yang bisa gua lakukan kecuali... terbengong-bengong. Sebelumnya, gua pernah selintas menemukan tas-tas model begini berseliweran entah di mana. Waktu itu, sayangnya, gua lupa dan nggak memberikan perhatian lebih lanjut. Gua cuma mikir, "Wow, lucu" dan udah, selesai. Tidak ada penelitian ataupun penelusuran merk apa, kisaran harga berapa, modelnya apa aja, dan lainnya. That WAS so STUPID.

Kemudian, di NYLON, gua menemukan merk ini, JumpFromPaper! dengan gambar seorang model memegang tas yang kelihatannya 2D, tetapi sesungguhnya 3D, like your everyday bag, but cuter. Tertarik dan penasaran, gua langsung menyelam ke situs aslinya, dan "menggeledah". They are such eye-candies.

Merk yang digawangi oleh mahasiswi komunikasi dari Taiwan ini, Rika Lin dan Chai Su, memiliki filosofi "born to enjoy life!". Well, they are. They even mentioned "...adds a sense of quirkiness to conventional bag designs". Who doesn't like something quirky and fresh? Setelah mencuci mata, di web, gua akan mempost beberapa desain yang sangat...sangat...sangat...ingin gua beli :

Afternoon Tea
Classic and pretty. I love the color and design very much. It does suit for moments when you are hanging out with your girlfriends, and having nice chitchat with some cups of tea.

A very fun and summery bag. White and orange color give a really fresh vibe. The size is also perfect for shopping or, maybe some business. Wear sandals, summer dress, and a big broad hat, then complete your look with a pair of vintage orange-y sunglasses. Vintage perfect 2D going 3D summer outfit!

If I could ever buy the Hola, then I want my boy to use this Scooter. Very vintage, just like the name, it will suit very well with preppy boys. Love the color combination too. Anyway, this bag is from JumpFromPaper!'s Limited Edition, titled Time Machine. The next pick will also come from the same collection...

I don't really have things for handbags, especially small sized ones. It doesn't fit me, and I'm not a type of person who can just go with very few things. I have my tablet, phone, notebook, and blah blah blah, which can't be fitted into small handbag. But Martini, it's just, how should I put it, irresistible. I can make excuses just to have this bag. It's like something that jumped out right from a vintage comic. The color, the design, aaaah, lovely.

Jadi, itulah tas-tas yang membuat gua hilang kendali dan harus mati-matian merepresi hasrat belanja yang mendadak membuncah (haven't bought any shoes or bags lately, I'm suffering). Mungkin awalnya akan terlihat aneh dan janggal di mata orang-orang saat anda berjalan-jalan dengan memakai tas seperti ini. they will think like, "What is this weirdo doing, bringing a print-out bag picture just like that?", but when you take something out from the "print-out bag", they will be very amazed, and maybe some fashionistas will ask about where they can get the baby

Gawat, mulai delusional, bahkan gua belum punya tasnya tapi sudah membayangkan apa yang akan terjadi seandainya gua pergi membawa tas ini... well, it's alright, though. Imagination is limitless, and it's not a crime either. Jadi, apa yang kalian tunggu? Jangan segan untuk mencuci mata kalian dengan keimutan tas-tas di JumpFromPaper! ini, dan mari kita berdoa berjamaah supaya mereka shipping ke Indonesia.
