As a conscious misanthrope, I hereby declare that human is the source of my misery.

Exaggerating, isn't it? GAG.

I don't hate human that much actually, I just can't stand them.

Last long weekend, I went to a small town somewhere in East Java. I just want to leave Jakarta's riot which I assume as the main source of my stress. Together with Mom, we went on last Thursday.

The trip was kinda fun, I enjoy every place that we visited there, except for some places that were crowded. I couldn't help but to oppress my desire to kick everyone around me. I didn't know why, but I found that they were annoying. Everything they did, said, even their laugh, it annoyed me to the highest level. Rather than having an ease of mind, I got stressed even more.

I think, to be completely sane and calm, I have to go somewhere that has no people at all. Knowing that it's impossible, so I lower my standard to a place that's not crowded at all. If there should be people there, I wish for the ones who got class and attitude, so they won't bother me. People with no attitude kill me more.


Terkadang ada sedikit kerinduan akan kenikmatan yang dulu saya rasakan. Tapi sekarang saya menikmati kehampaan, yang dulu saya cari-cari. Selamat tinggal, imaji. Terimakasih untuk ratusan hari yang kau buat berat.

Song of My Life : Creep

I could say that this song might be the best song Radiohead ever made. In my opinion, the melody is just simple, the chords are not that hard to play (G-Bm-C-Cm), but still, this song leaves a very deep impression on me. The lyrics are just... deep.


When you were here before
Can't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry

You float like a feather
In a beautiful world
I wish I was special
You're so fucking special

But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here

I don't care if it hurts
I wanna have control
I want a perfect body
I want a perfect soul

I want you to notice
When I'm not around
So fucking special
I wish I was special

But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here

She's running out the door
She's running
She run, run

Whatever makes you happy
Whatever you want
You're so fucking special
I wish I was special

But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here

I don't belong here

I read an interview of Thom Yorke (the vocalist of Radiohead and the writer of this song) about the meaning of this song. Thom said it was 'about a drunken student trying to approach the woman he is attracted to'. That's my point about the depth of this song. It might sound cheesy in the beginning, but sooner or later, the real point will reach your heart.

For me, this song portrayed my inability to get closer to the guy I've got a crush with. Some of the phrases even fit him perfectly. He was 'like an angel', his 'skins make me cry'. My crush is just... a beautiful creature, I can't describe him completely, but in my eyes, he is just the most wonderful thing God ever made. And because of his wonderfulness, I feel inferior towards him. I'm not good enough to get closer to him. He is so 'fucking special'. I wish I was special too, so I could just be with him...

This song is sad, really sad. When you think you can't be together with the one you're in love with.. God, I'm going to cry.


Procrastinator itu, kalau dalam bahasa Indonesianya, adalah orang yang suka menunda. Ibarat orang yang kalau disuruh melakukan sesuatu, jawabannya pasti 'nanti aja deh'. Entah belajar, makan, pergi, atau apapun, dia akan terus menunda. Tipe ini bisa ditemukan di segala kalangan, tapi mungkin yang paling banyak ada di kalangan pelajar. Dari tingkat SD sampai mahasiswa sekalipun, pasti ada aja orang-orang prokrastinator ini. Saya punya adik, lulus TK juga belum, tapi kalau disuruh ngerjain PR, jawabnya langsung 'nanti'. Saya gak ngerti juga, tapi jiwa prokrastinator sudah ada dalam dirinya, seorang bocah kecil 5 menjelang 6 tahun. Entah kenapa, saya sudah bisa meramalkan kalau jiwa prokrastinator ini terus ada, maka bocah ini, saat ia menjadi mahasiswa, akan menjadi seorang prokrastinator kelas kakap. Bahaya.

Saya sendiri juga seorang prokrastinator, walau lupa mulainya dari kapan. Kalau diberikan pekerjaan, saya akan cari sejuta alasan untuk menundanya, tidak mengerjakannya sesaat setelah diberikan. Kemudian, menjelang deadline, saya baru akan terserang panic attack. Kelimpungan kesana kemari, bingung, bagaimana caranya untuk menyelesaikan tugas yang udah mepet itu. Ya, dari pengalaman, tugas yang saya tunda tidak satu atau dua tugas. Tapi banyak. Dengan deadline yang berdekatan. Saya cuma punya waktu sehari untuk menyelesaikan semua. Kebanyakkan tugas-tugas itu sih selesai, tapi ya tidak maksimal, dan harus saya akui, proses pengerjaannya pun tidak maksimal dan cenderung menekan. Kadang saya menyesal karena sudah menunda-nunda. Tapi ya saya tidak berubah juga.

Sekali prokrastinator, selamanya prokrastinator.

Hidup sebagai seorang prokrastinator juga bukan hal mudah. Individu ini harus memiliki mental baja, yang kuat menghadapi segala tekanan. Juga otak yang kinerjanya cepat dan tangkas, untuk menyelesaikan tugas berbagai jenis dalam waktu bersamaan. Daya tahan fisiknya juga harus kuat, karena cenderung begadang dalam detik-detik menjelang deadline. Saya berani bilang, cuma orang-orang pintar yang bisa jadi prokrastinator (entah pintar beneran atau pintar karena terpaksa). Kalau orang yang agak kurang, tidak mungkin bisa jadi prokrastinator, pasti kacau semuanya. Berdasarkan pengamatan saya terhadap para prokrastinator ini (teman-teman dan adik-adik saya), saya bisa menyimpulkan, "There is a pro, in every procrastinator.". Ada seorang ahli, dalam setiap prokrastinator. Kalau dilihat dari kutipan bahasa Inggris, sebenarnya cuma sebuah permainan kata. Tapi kalau dimaknakan, harus diakui benar. Cuma para ahli yang bisa jadi para prokrastinator.
